5 Mobile App Scanners To Help You Find Security Vulnerabilities

5 Mobile App Scanners To Help You Find Security Vulnerabilities

Date: 06-Sep-2019

Mobile technology plays a significant part in our daily lives in this digital age. According to the
Pew Research Center, the number of people who have mobile devices is estimated to be over 5 million globally, with over half of these mobile gadgets are smartphones. This number is not really surprising, given the many practical uses of mobile devices nowadays.
Smartphones, for instance, are not only used for texting and calling. With the endless mobile applications you can download, you can also use your smartphone to take pictures, surf the internet, locate a place using GPS, monitor your health, etc. However, downloading mobile apps also comes with risks.
Some mobile applications that you can download today have multiple types of vulnerabilities that can compromise data security and privacy. Hence, developers must do something to make sure that their mobile apps are secure. So, here’s a list of mobile app scanners to help you find security vulnerabilities.


QARK, which means Quick Android Review Kit, is an open-source tool that can help find security risks in Android devices. It uses static code analysis to identify potential misconfiguration and security issues. QARK scans the app source code and APK files and gives in-depth information about security loopholes and how to fix them.

WhiteHat Sentinel Mobile

WhiteHat Sentinel Mobile is one of the leading mobile security testing and assessment platforms in the world today. It is developed by WhiteHat Security, an award-winning software company based in California, USA. With its admirable reputation, you can assure that WhiteHat Sentinel Mobile is a reliable testing solution to secure your mobile apps. WhiteHat Sentinel Mobile provides solutions for testing mobile apps in production as well as
source code analysis in development. They employ expert security engineers to verify every security threat found in your mobile apps. You can use WhiteHat Sentinel Mobile for iOS and Android devices.

Zed Attack Proxy

Zed Attack Proxy (ZAP) is a simply-designed and user-friendly tool that can identify security vulnerabilities in your mobile applications. Before, ZAP is only utilized for web applications, but now testers also use it as an open-source mobile app security testing solution. ZAP checks vulnerabilities in mobile apps by sending malicious messages. In this way, it’s easier for testers to figure out if the app is secure or not.

Mobile Security Framework

Mobile Security Framework (MobSF) is an open-source tool that performs dynamic and static analysis to test mobile apps security. It provides fast security testing for Windows, iOS, and Android mobile applications. Plus, MobSF allows developers to find security loopholes during the development stage.

Micro Focus Fortify

Micro Focus Fortify is a security testing tool that performs static code analysis and scheduled scanning for mobile applications. It checks security risks across server, client, and network with accurate results. This security testing solution supports multiple platforms such as Blackberry, Windows, iOS, and Android.


Mobile app developers must ensure the security of their mobile applications before they offer them to consumers. If you’re a developer, you should see to it that you use a security testing list of mobile app scanners above for that purpose.



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