Connect teams with Mobile Intranet

Get more, done faster

  • Everything in Creative Mobile intranet app is optimized for speed.
  • Find anything you need right away with lightning-fast search and flexible filters.
  • Work more efficiently, no annoying loading screens or spinners.

Features of a Mobile Intranet App

Secure Access

To keep sensitive company information safe, our mobile intranet apps uses strong authentication and encrypt data properly.

Communication Tools

Our Mobile intranet apps includes features like instant messaging, chat, and notification systems to facilitate real-time communication among employees or members.

Document Management

Users can access, share, and collaborate on documents, presentations, and other files stored on the intranet.

News and Announcements

Everyone stays informed by using the app’s news feed to share important company news, updates, and announcements.


Our app offers a customized experience by providing personalized content based on each user’s role, preferences, and activities.

Discussion Forums

Discussion boards or forums allow users to engage in discussions, share ideas, and seek help from colleagues.

Task and Project Management

Users can manage tasks, projects, and workflows through the app, promoting productivity and collaboration.

Employee Directory

A searchable directory of employees with profiles can help users find and connect with colleagues.

Polls and Surveys

Users can participate in surveys and polls to gather feedback, opinions, and insights from the workforce.

Training and Learning

Our Mobile intranet app includes access to training materials, e-learning modules, and resources for professional development.

Integration with Other Tools

Integration with other software tools like calendar applications, email clients, and productivity apps enhances usability.

Analytics and Insights

Admins can optimize the app’s performance by gathering insights into user engagement, content effectiveness, and other metrics.

Benefits of a Mobile Intranet App

  • Remote Work Support: Mobile intranet apps enable employees to access company resources and collaborate while working remotely or on the move.
  • Increased Accessibility: Employees stay connected and informed from anywhere, reducing the barrier of physical presence.
  • Improved Communication: Real-time communication tools foster faster and more efficient information sharing across the organization.
  • Enhanced Productivity: Mobile access to documents, tasks, and collaboration tools improves efficiency and task management.
  • Engagement and Participation: Interactive features encourage employee engagement, feedback, and participation in company initiatives.
  • Faster Decision-Making: Timely access to information and communication channels supports quicker decision-making processes.


Our Mobile intranet app helps to maintain consistent communication and access to resources across different locations.

Notifications and Alerts

Push notifications ensure that users receive critical updates promptly.

Engagement and Training

New employees can access training materials and company information conveniently through the app

Centralized Information

All relevant information is available in one place, reducing the need to search through multiple channels.

The Mobile Intranet App Impact

Key Strengths

Mobile intranet app can significantly contribute to an organization’s communication, collaboration, and productivity goals, especially in today’s digital and remote work environments.

Cross-Platform Compatibility

Developing for both iOS and Android platforms can maximize reach.


Our app can handle increasing user numbers and data loads.

User Experience

A user-friendly and intuitive interface is crucial for ensuring adoption and engagement.


Data security and compliance with privacy regulations are paramount for protecting sensitive information.


Integrating with existing systems (e.g., HR, CRM) enhances the app’s usefulness.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why go for mobile intranet?

A mobile intranet refers to an internal network accessible via mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. Implementing a mobile intranet can offer several benefits to organizations, depending on their specific needs and objectives. Here are some reasons why organizations might opt for a mobile intranet.

  • Remote Work and Flexibility

With the rise of remote work and the increasing need for employees to access company resources from various locations, a mobile intranet enables employees to stay connected, collaborate, and access important information regardless of their physical location.

  • Enhanced Communication

A mobile intranet allows for real-time communication among employees, departments, and teams. Features like instant messaging, notifications, and news feeds keep everyone updated on company news, announcements, and project developments.

  • Collaboration

Mobile intranets provide tools and platforms for seamless collaboration. Employees can work together on documents, projects, and tasks even when they are not in the same physical space. This can improve productivity and efficiency.

  • Access to Information

Employees can access important company documents, policies, procedures, training materials, and other resources through their mobile devices. This helps ensure that everyone has the information they need at their fingertips, leading to better decision-making and reduced delays.

  • Employee Engagement

Interactive features such as discussion forums, polls, and surveys on a mobile intranet can enhance employee engagement. Employees can share ideas, provide feedback, and participate in company initiatives.

  • Quick Updates

Mobile intranets allow organizations to quickly disseminate updates, changes, and announcements to employees. This is especially valuable for time-sensitive information that needs to be communicated promptly.

  • Personalization

Modern mobile intranets often provide personalized experiences based on employee roles, preferences, and activities. This customization can lead to more relevant and meaningful interactions.

  • Document Management

Mobile intranets offer secure storage and easy retrieval of company documents. Employees can access and share files on the go, reducing the need for physical copies or extensive email chains.

  • Cost Savings

Adopting a mobile intranet can potentially reduce costs associated with printing materials, distributing physical documents, and conducting in-person meetings for routine communications.

  • Data Security

While mobile access introduces security challenges, a well-designed mobile intranet can provide secure access to sensitive company data through measures such as encryption, authentication protocols, and remote wipe capabilities.

  • Employee Onboarding and Training

A mobile intranet can streamline the onboarding process for new employees by providing access to training materials, company policies, and resources. This can accelerate the integration of new team members.

  • Analytics and Insights

Mobile intranet platforms often include analytics tools that provide insights into employee engagement, content usage, and other metrics. This data can help organizations refine their communication strategies and optimize the intranet’s effectiveness.

Ultimately, the decision to implement a mobile intranet depends on an organization’s goals, culture, and operational requirements. It’s important to assess the specific needs of the organization and choose a mobile intranet solution that aligns with those needs while also addressing any potential challenges or concerns related to security, usability, and adoption.

What are benefits of Mobile Intranet?

A mobile intranet offers a range of benefits to organizations, employees, and overall productivity. Here are some key advantages

  • Remote Work Enablement

With a mobile intranet, employees can access company resources and collaborate from anywhere, supporting remote work arrangements and flexibility.

  • Improved Communication

Mobile intranets provide real-time communication channels, such as instant messaging and notifications, facilitating better and faster information sharing among employees and teams.

  • Enhanced Collaboration

Teams can collaborate on projects, documents, and tasks through the mobile intranet, promoting seamless cooperation and efficient workflows.

  • Access to Information

Employees can access company documents, policies, training materials, and other resources on their mobile devices, ensuring they have the information they need on hand.

  • Employee Engagement

Interactive features like discussion forums, polls, and surveys promote engagement and allow employees to contribute their ideas and feedback.

  • Efficient Updates

Mobile intranets enable swift distribution of updates, news, and announcements, reducing delays and ensuring timely communication.

  • Personalization

Many mobile intranets offer personalized experiences based on employee roles and preferences, delivering relevant content and improving user satisfaction.

  • Document Management

Secure storage and easy retrieval of company documents via mobile devices reduce the need for physical copies and centralize document management.

  • Cost Savings

By reducing the need for printed materials, physical meetings, and excessive email communication, mobile intranets can lead to cost savings.

  • Data Security

A well-designed mobile intranet implements security measures to protect sensitive company data, ensuring secure access and communication.

  • Employee Onboarding

Mobile intranets streamline employee onboarding by providing access to training materials, policies, and resources, accelerating the integration process.

  • Analytics and Insights

Many mobile intranet platforms offer analytics tools that provide insights into usage patterns, engagement levels, and content effectiveness, aiding in decision-making and optimization.

  • Task Management

Mobile intranets often include task management features, helping employees track their responsibilities and stay organized.

  • Reduced Email Overload

Mobile intranets can decrease reliance on email for communication, reducing inbox clutter and improving the focus on important messages.

  • Mobile-Friendly Content

Content on mobile intranets is optimized for mobile devices, ensuring a smooth and user-friendly experience on smaller screens.

  • Feedback Loops

Through features like comments and discussion boards, mobile intranets facilitate direct feedback from employees, promoting open communication and continuous improvement.

  • Quick Problem Resolution

Employees can quickly access support documents, FAQs, and troubleshooting guides through the mobile intranet, leading to faster problem resolution.

  • Cultural Alignment

Mobile intranets can reinforce company culture by providing a platform to share values, achievements, and employee stories.

  • Adaptation to Trends

As mobile technology continues to evolve, a mobile intranet keeps an organization up-to-date with technological trends and employee preferences.

  • Increased Productivity

The convenience of accessing resources and collaborating on mobile devices can boost overall productivity and efficiency.

Implementing a mobile intranet requires careful planning, consideration of security measures, and attention to user experience. When properly executed, a mobile intranet can lead to improved communication, collaboration, and employee engagement, ultimately contributing to the success of the organization.

Should the mobile app be available on both iOS and Android platforms to ensure inclusivity?

Yes, developing a mobile intranet app that is available on both iOS and Android platforms is generally a good practice to ensure inclusivity and reach a wider audience within your organization. Here are a few reasons why offering support for both platforms is important:

  • Broad User Base

iOS and Android are the two dominant mobile operating systems, covering the majority of smartphones and tablets. By supporting both platforms, you ensure that employees using either type of device can access the app.

  • Diverse Device Preferences

Employees often have personal preferences for iOS or Android devices. Providing a mobile app for both platforms accommodates these preferences and allows individuals to use the platform they are most comfortable with.

  • Global Reach

In many organizations, employees use a mix of iOS and Android devices. Supporting both platforms ensures that your app reaches a global audience, regardless of their device choices.

  • Inclusivity

Some organizations have a bring-your-own-device (BYOD) policy, allowing employees to use the device of their choice. Offering both iOS and Android versions ensures that all employees, regardless of their device selection, can participate.

  • Consistency of Experience

Both iOS and Android platforms have distinct design guidelines and user interface paradigms. Developing platform-specific apps allows you to adhere to these guidelines, providing a consistent and familiar experience for users on each platform.

  • Maximized Adoption

By offering the app on both platforms, you maximize the chances of adoption and engagement. Employees are more likely to use an app that is readily available on their preferred device.

  • Future-Proofing

The mobile landscape is dynamic, and preferences can change over time. By offering support for both iOS and Android, you future-proof your app’s accessibility and usability.

  • Organizational Diversity

Organizations may have employees, contractors, or partners using a mix of iOS and Android devices. Providing a cross-platform app caters to this diversity.

However, it’s important to note that developing and maintaining separate apps for both platforms does require additional resources in terms of development effort, testing, and ongoing updates. It’s recommended to consider your organization’s resources, budget, and the expected benefits when making the decision to support both platforms. If resources are limited, you might prioritize the platform that has a larger user base within your organization or explore cross-platform development frameworks that can help streamline the process.

How will the mobile app cater to the needs of our remote, on-the-go, or distributed workforce?

Catering to the needs of a remote, on-the-go, or distributed workforce is crucial when developing a mobile intranet app. Here’s how you can ensure that the app meets the needs of these users.

  • Mobile-Friendly Design

Design the app with a mobile-first approach. Ensure that the user interface is optimized for smaller screens, touch interactions, and varied device orientations.

  • Offline Access

Provide features that allow users to access essential information and perform certain tasks even when they are offline. Offline capabilities ensure that remote or on-the-go employees can still use the app without a constant internet connection.

  • Responsive Layout

Use responsive design techniques to adapt the app’s layout and content to different screen sizes. This ensures that users have a consistent and comfortable experience across various devices, whether they’re using smartphones, tablets, or laptops.

  • Push Notifications

Implement push notifications to keep remote and on-the-go employees informed about important updates, announcements, and messages, even when they’re not actively using the app.

  • Mobile Collaboration

Include collaboration tools such as instant messaging, document sharing, and discussion forums that enable remote employees to interact, share ideas, and work together regardless of their location.

  • Task Management

Provide features for task and project management that allow remote employees to stay organized, manage their workload, and track progress while on the move.

  • GPS and Location Services

If relevant, integrate GPS and location-based services to provide location-specific information or services to employees in the field.

  • Secure Access

Ensure that remote employees can securely access the app from various locations using strong authentication methods and encryption to protect sensitive company data.

  • User Personalization

Allow users to customize their experience based on their roles, preferences, and the type of information they need while on the go.

  • Remote Training and Support

If applicable, provide access to training resources, FAQs, and support channels that remote employees can use to troubleshoot issues or learn about new processes.

  • Quick Access to Information

Ensure that the most relevant and frequently used information is easily accessible through the app’s interface, reducing the time it takes for remote employees to find what they need.

  • Integration with Productivity Apps

Allow the app to integrate with popular productivity tools, email clients, calendars, and other apps that remote employees commonly use to streamline their work processes.

  • Feedback Mechanisms

Provide mechanisms for remote employees to provide feedback, ask questions, and suggest improvements directly through the app.

  • User Training and Onboarding

Offer resources to help remote employees become familiar with the app’s features and functionalities. This can include user guides, tutorials, and interactive demos.

  • Regular Updates and Enhancements

Continuously improve the app based on user feedback and changing needs. Regular updates ensure that the app remains relevant and useful for remote and on-the-go employees.

By implementing these strategies, you can create a mobile intranet app that effectively caters to the unique needs and challenges of a remote, on-the-go, or distributed workforce, fostering productivity, collaboration, and engagement regardless of location.

How will the app ensure a consistent user experience across different devices and operating systems?

Ensuring a consistent user experience across different devices and operating systems is essential for the success of your mobile intranet app. Here are some strategies to achieve this.

  • Responsive Design

Implement a responsive design approach that adapts the app’s layout and user interface based on the screen size and orientation of the device. This ensures that the app looks and functions well on both smaller smartphone screens and larger tablet displays.

  • Consistent Branding

Maintain a consistent visual identity, including colors, typography, and logo placement, throughout the app. This helps users recognize and associate the app with your organization’s brand.

  • Follow Platform Guidelines

Adhere to the design guidelines provided by iOS and Android for their respective platforms. This includes using platform-specific UI components, navigation patterns, and interaction behaviors. Users are accustomed to these guidelines, and following them ensures familiarity.

  • Usability Testing

Conduct usability testing on both iOS and Android devices to identify any platform-specific usability issues. Collect feedback from users on both platforms to ensure that the app meets their expectations and needs.

  • User-Centric Design

Prioritize user needs and preferences. Make sure that the app’s functionality and interactions feel natural and intuitive for users on both platforms.

  • Cross-Platform UI Toolkit

Consider using cross-platform UI toolkits or frameworks like React Native, Flutter, or Xamarin. These frameworks allow you to develop a single codebase that can be compiled into apps for both iOS and Android, reducing the risk of inconsistencies.

  • Platform-Specific Adaptations

While aiming for a consistent experience, allow for some platform-specific adaptations if necessary. For example, Android and iOS users have different expectations for navigation and interactions, so subtle adjustments may be needed to match each platform’s conventions.

  • Testing on Real Devices

Test the app on real devices representative of the most common devices used by your employees. Emulators and simulators provide insights, but real devices help identify device-specific issues that might affect the user experience.

  • Regular Updates

Stay up-to-date with platform updates and new guidelines. As operating systems evolve, periodically review and update your app’s design and functionality to ensure it remains aligned with the latest standards.

  • Feedback Loop

Establish a feedback loop with users. Encourage them to provide feedback and report any inconsistencies they encounter. Use this feedback to continuously improve the app’s user experience.

  • Performance Optimization

Ensure that the app performs well on both platforms, considering factors like load times, animations, and responsiveness. A smooth and fast experience contributes to a positive user impression.

  • User Training and Support

Provide training materials or user guides that address any platform-specific differences in using the app. Offer support channels for users to seek help if they encounter issues.

By combining these strategies, you can create a mobile intranet app that delivers a consistent and enjoyable user experience across a variety of devices and operating systems. Regularly assess the app’s performance, gather user feedback, and make iterative improvements to maintain this consistency over time.

Why Creative Social Intranet?

A Creative Social Intranet offers a modern and engaging approach to internal communication and collaboration within an organization. It blends the features of a traditional intranet with social networking elements, creating a platform that fosters interaction, innovation, and a sense of community among employees. Here’s why organizations might opt for a Creative Social Intranet:

  • Enhanced Engagement

A creative social intranet encourages active participation and engagement among employees. Social features like comments, likes, shares, and discussion forums create a sense of involvement and community.

  • Knowledge Sharing

Social intranets facilitate knowledge sharing by providing a platform for employees to share insights, expertise, and best practices. This accelerates learning and problem-solving across the organization.

  • Cross-Functional Collaboration

By enabling employees from different departments and teams to connect and collaborate, creative social intranets break down silos and encourage cross-functional projects and initiatives.

  • Innovation and Idea Generation

The interactive nature of a creative social intranet promotes brainstorming, idea sharing, and innovation. Employees can contribute ideas and receive feedback from peers across the organization.

  • Transparent Communication

News feeds, blogs, and status updates keep employees informed about company news, updates, and announcements, promoting transparency and alignment.

  • Recognition and Motivation

Creative social intranets often include features for recognizing and celebrating employee achievements, boosting morale and motivation.

  • Remote Work Support

In the era of remote and hybrid work, a social intranet helps remote employees stay connected, engaged, and informed, regardless of their location.

  • Employee Onboarding

A creative social intranet can ease the onboarding process by providing new employees with a dynamic platform to learn about company culture, processes, and colleagues.

  • Company Culture Reinforcement

By enabling employees to share stories, successes, and values, a creative social intranet reinforces the company culture and fosters a sense of belonging.

  • Real-Time Feedback

Social intranets allow for real-time feedback and discussions, facilitating ongoing communication and addressing concerns promptly.

  • Employee Well-Being and Support

Intranets can include features related to wellness programs, health resources, and support networks, promoting employee well-being.

  • Data-Driven Insights

Analytics provided by the intranet can offer insights into user engagement, content effectiveness, and trends, helping organizations make informed decisions.

  •  Agility and Adaptability

A creative social intranet supports agility by providing a platform for quick updates, announcements, and changes in real time.

  • Personalization

User profiles, preferences, and recommendations can be tailored to create a personalized experience, increasing user satisfaction.

  • Community Building

A social intranet fosters a sense of community among employees, whether they’re located in the same office or distributed globally.

  • Continuous Improvement

Feedback loops and collaborative problem-solving on the intranet drive continuous improvement in processes, products, and services.

  • Employee Empowerment

Employees feel empowered when they have a platform to voice their opinions, share insights, and contribute to company initiatives.

In summary, a Creative Social Intranet offers a dynamic and engaging way to connect employees, promote collaboration, and enhance the overall organizational culture. It’s especially relevant in today’s digital workplaces where communication and engagement are critical for success. However, organizations should carefully plan the implementation and customization of a social intranet to align with their specific goals, culture, and user needs.

What kinds of users and organization types does Creative Social Intranet work with?

Creative Social Intranet caters to a wide range of organizations, from mid-size businesses to startups and even government and nonprofit sectors. Each of these segments likely has unique needs when it comes to communication, collaboration, and information sharing within their respective organizations.

For example:

Mid-size businesses might require scalable solutions that can accommodate growth and evolving needs. Creative Social Intranet cloud intranet options and on premise intranet software Lite package which can be upgraded with add-on features as and when required.
Small businesses might prioritize user-friendly interfaces and cost-effective solutions opt for Creative Social Intranet on cloud solutions.
Enterprises might need robust security features and integration capabilities with existing systems opt for our On premise enterprise intranet solution with yearly maintenance and hosting.

Creative Social Intranet is designed to be versatile and adaptable to the varying needs and structures of these different types of organizations. We offer customizable features and modules that can be tailored to suit each segment.

What languages does Creative Social Intranet support in their product?

Creative Social Intranet gives video, email, online support in English. Our Creative Social Intranet software in desktop and mobile app is multilingual. You can type and display content in multiple languages.

How much does Creative Social Intranet mobile app cost?

Pricing for Creative Social Intranet on cloud starts at $0.90 per user per month. Kindly send us email for our Enterprise on premise intranet pricing.

What are the benefits of working with Creative Social Intranet?

Working with a creative social intranet can bring a wide range of benefits to both organizations and employees. This modern approach to internal communication and collaboration can enhance engagement, streamline processes, and foster a more connected and productive work environment. Here are the key benefits of working with a creative social intranet.

  • Enhanced Employee Engagement

Creative social intranets encourage active participation, interaction, and contribution among employees. The social features promote a sense of involvement, ownership, and community, leading to higher levels of engagement.

  • Improved Communication

The social aspect of the intranet facilitates real-time communication through comments, likes, and sharing. Employees can stay informed about company news, updates, and announcements, leading to better alignment and transparency.

  • Collaboration Across Boundaries

A creative social intranet breaks down departmental silos and enables cross-functional collaboration. Employees can connect with colleagues from different teams, share insights, and work together on projects.

  • Knowledge Sharing and Learning

Employees can share their expertise, best practices, and insights through posts, articles, and discussions. This promotes continuous learning, knowledge dissemination, and professional development.

  • Innovation and Idea Generation

The interactive nature of a creative social intranet encourages employees to share ideas, brainstorm solutions, and collaborate on innovative projects. This can lead to creative breakthroughs and process improvements.

  • Employee Recognition

Many creative social intranets offer features for recognizing and celebrating employee achievements. Public recognition boosts morale, motivation, and a positive work atmosphere.

  •  Remote Work Support

For remote and distributed teams, a social intranet serves as a virtual hub for staying connected, sharing updates, and collaborating despite physical distance.

  • Onboarding and Training

New employees can quickly integrate into the organization’s culture and workflows by accessing onboarding materials, training resources, and connecting with colleagues on the intranet.

  • Company Culture Reinforcement

A creative social intranet provides a platform for showcasing company values, success stories, and employee experiences, strengthening the overall company culture.

  • Agile Communication

The intranet enables quick dissemination of information, announcements, and changes, ensuring that employees are up-to-date with the latest developments.

  • Employee Well-Being

Intranets can include features related to wellness programs, health resources, and support networks, contributing to employee well-being.

  • Data-Driven Insights

Analytics provided by the intranet offer insights into user engagement, content effectiveness, and trends, helping organizations make data-informed decisions.

  • Feedback and Continuous Improvement

Employees can provide feedback, suggestions, and opinions on various topics, contributing to a culture of continuous improvement and two-way communication.

  • Increased Productivity

The intranet’s streamlined communication and collaboration tools can lead to increased efficiency, reduced duplication of efforts, and improved task management.

  • Customization and Personalization

Creative social intranets often allow users to customize their experience, receive personalized content recommendations, and connect with colleagues who share their interests.

Working with a creative social intranet can transform the way organizations operate by fostering a more connected, engaged, and collaborative workforce. It’s important to select or customize an intranet solution that aligns with the organization’s goals, culture, and unique needs to fully realize these benefits.

Desktop vs mobile app – pros and cons

Comparing desktop and mobile app involves considering their respective strengths and weaknesses based on factors such as usability, functionality, accessibility, and user experience.

In many cases, the choice between a desktop and mobile app depends on the specific goals of the application, the target audience, the desired features, and the resources available for development and maintenance. Some applications might benefit from offering both a desktop and a mobile app to cater to different user needs and usage scenarios.


Desktop Applications


  • Full Functionality: Desktop app generally offer more extensive functionality due to the larger screen space and processing power of desktop computers. They can handle complex tasks and multitasking effectively.
  • Advanced UI: Desktop app can take advantage of the larger screen size to provide more advanced user interfaces, including multiple windows, complex menus, and detailed controls.
  • Offline Access: Desktop app often operate offline, as they are installed directly on the user’s computer. This is beneficial when internet connectivity is unreliable.
  • Performance: Desktop app can utilize the resources of the host computer to deliver higher performance, especially for resource-intensive tasks.
  • Easier Integration: Integrating with other desktop software and peripherals is generally easier for desktop applications.


  • Platform Dependence: Desktop app are typically designed for specific operating systems (Windows, macOS, Linux), requiring separate development and maintenance efforts for each platform
  • Limited Mobility: Users can only access desktop apps on the devices where they are installed, limiting mobility and remote access.
  • Installation and Updates: Users need to install desktop apps manually, and updates may require manual intervention as well.

Mobile Applications


  • Wide Reach: Mobile app can be distributed globally through app stores, providing access to a vast user base.
  • Portability: Users can access mobile apps from anywhere using their smartphones or tablets, promoting mobility and convenience.
  • Touch Interface: Mobile app can offer intuitive touch-based interfaces, providing a more engaging user experience on touchscreen devices.
  • Push Notifications: Mobile app can send push notifications to users, keeping them informed about updates, messages, and events even when the app is not open.
  • App Store Exposure: App store offer a centralized platform for users to discover and download apps, potentially increasing visibility and adoption.
  • Synchronization: Mobile app can easily sync data across devices and platforms, allowing users to seamlessly switch between devices.


  • Limited Screen Space: Mobile app must contend with smaller screen sizes, potentially leading to design and usability challenges.
  • Performance Limitations: Mobile app may have limitations in terms of processing power and multitasking compared to desktop apps.
  • Dependency on Connectivity: Many mobile app rely on internet connectivity for full functionality, which can be a drawback in areas with poor or no network coverage.
  • App Store Approval: Distributing mobile app through app stores requires adherence to guidelines and approval processes, which can lead to delays or restrictions.
  • Development Complexity: Mobile app need to be developed for different platforms (iOS, Android), which can increase development complexity and maintenance efforts.

iOS and Android version of our innovative social intranet app!

Improve internal communication at your company like never before by streamlining and amplifying it. Put an end to disjointed teams, lost emails, and outdated information. Our app’s goal is to help your team stay in the know, motivated, and inspired.

Get real-time updates.

Document management is centralized.

Simple communication with coworkers.

Discuss success and acknowledge accomplishments.

Put an end to endless email chains

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