
CAPEX workflow processes

Creative CapEx workflow process system are one of the reliable approval management software for consistent and transparent approval processes and shorter approval cycles. With Creative CapEx workflow software you get the approval process automated within hours, ensuring that each approval request goes through a rigorous review process quickly, and gain both policy compliance and full traceability. Automation in Capital expenditure approval workflows ensures that the CapEx project approvals are handled effectively and better and faster decisions are made while getting all the necessary information to audit on the approval workflow in time.   Lets compare Traditional manual CapEx approval system CAPEX workflow processes

CAPEX approval work flow management system

CaPEX lifecycle

What is CAPEX software? CAPEX Software is a process built solution that allows companies to automate, streamline, manage all capital expenditures workflow, approval and management. It is a software where new projects can be proposed, approved by various level ofdepartments and authorities. Pending projects can also be tracked. Advanced CAPEX software solutions even enables tracking of Forecasting and budgeting. What is a CAPEX lifecycle? The CapEx Life cycle is a ongoing roadmap of Capital Expenditures. The path includes a project from planning, budgeting, executing, post investment review which is then used a metrics for future planning. What are the benefits CAPEX approval work flow management system

How to stay calm and Keep out of Office Gutter Politics?

Firstly office politics occur in almost all workplaces. Competition is predictable especially when employees spend nearly half a day together and compete for the same promotions or raises. While some claim office politics are a crucial part of the workplace, others find it pointless and a toxic part of office culture that strains relationships. So how will you prevent yourself from being damaged by uncontrolled office politics and gossip? 1. Think back like a High School student In some aspects workplaces are a lot like high school. So when you fall in trouble with gossip or office politics, think about it How to stay calm and Keep out of Office Gutter Politics?